les aventures de lily

Urban Jungle ( New York city guide )

13 août 2015



So I’ll try not to spend 20 minutes here talking about how crazy about New York I am and how bad I would like to move there cause I mean… I freaking love it !

No I won’t do that ! Today I will simply share with you some of the cool addresses I’ve enjoy in the Big Apple lately.

So here’s some restaurants I’ve liked:



The Generale Greene : Guys !!! they have the best French toasts ever !! I could kill to have some of those right now ! ( and make sure to try the omelette too ! delicious ! )

Stone Fruit : Make sure to get the Avocado smashed toast AND you have to try their Chia and Oat pudding with nectarines ! Like you have to ! I had the Egg fritata too I know I know I eat a lot and it was delicious too !

Buttermilk Chanel : The food was absolutely amazing!!! ( I had the Veggie Burger and I loved it ! )

The Bakeri : Not only they have great food but the place look super super pretty ! They have the most beautiful wall paper ever ! I’m obsessed with it since I’ve enter that place ! ( you’ll be able to see it on two of my pics further down ).

Martha : I didn’t like brussels sprouts til I’ve tasted their ones ! So even if you don’t like brussels sprouts you HAVE TO try it there! You will never think about thos vegetables the way you used to after trying those ! I give you my words !



Jack’s wife Freda : such a cute place ! If you want my advice, make sure to head to the one located in Carmine St , as the one in Lafayette St is always way too crowed ! Oh and btw the Tuna salad there is delicious !

Cafe Clover : Make sure to try the Octopus a la plancha ( if you like seafood of course ) and the Blistered Shishitos ! The food was delicious !

The Butcher’s daughter : such a cute Vegeterian place with great food !




OMG after putting all of this down I just can’t believe I’ve been to so many restaurants on this last trip ahah! Oh and I’m right in the middle of my cleanse detox ( The Master Cleanse ) so you have no idea how horrible it was to think about all the amazing food I had during this trip while I’m writing all of that but well, you guys totally worth it :)))

I really enjoyed hanging around at the Brooklyn Flea Market in Williamsburg too ( yeah I swear I have done more then just eating while i was there ahah ). This time I found the coolest vintage bag ever( some of you saw it on Snapchat) , some vintage glass bottles and an old New York Bus number plate! I could have buy so many things but I mean i was already a bit concerned about the fact that I had to carry a chandelier ahah, but well that’s another story!

Make sure to stop by the Fort Greene Farmers Market if you’re in Brooklyn on Saturday! I really loved it! All those fresh flowers, vegetables and fruits really made my day!

And to finish on a different note, some of you asked me on Snapchat where I did get my new tiny little “explore” tattoo. Well it was in Brooklyn, at Three Kings Tattoo. That was great cause I really wanted to get one in New York but I had to find a place where I could do it without any appointment. So on my last day , I just showed up there and done!New tattoo! The people there were super super nice and very professional. I definitely recommend it!

So this is the first time I’m sharing few address with you on the Blog. Is this something you would like me to do more? Looking forward to read what you think about this.

Thank you guys for following my journeys along. That means the world to me ♥

Have a fantastic day,

Lots of Love ♥

























Photo of me by Jeremy.


Cabin Life

2 août 2015

Good morning Upstate New York ♥

I feel so grateful for the time I got to spend with my favorite family ( Stasha, Julian, Max and Bruce ) before their big move to Japan in September. The ones who follow me on Instagram for quite a while know how much we had a big crush on each other the first time we met last September in Washington State. It was definitely love at first sight. So when Stasha asked me if I would like to join to spend some time with them in a cute little cabin she rented for a month, not far from Preston Hollow (Upstate New York), it took me like 5 sec to say “I’m in!!” .

We mainly spent our time together doing nothing but eating, laughingcooking and of course, taking photos.

I had an amazing time with them and really felt like sharing it with you.

I’ll be off to New York city in few hours and it breaks my heart to have to say goodbye. I’ll try my best not to get too emotional and not to cry this time but between you and me, it’s nearly impossible.


Good morning Upstate New York ♥

Je suis tellement heureuse d’avoir pu passer du temps avec Stasha, Julian, Max et Bruce avant leur grand départ pour le Japon au mois de Septembre. Ceux qui me suivent sur instagram depuis un bon moment savent à quel point ça a était le gros coup de coeur entre nous lors de notre première rencontre en Septembre derniere à Whidbey Island. Un vrai coup de foudre.

Quand Stasha m’a demandé si j’étais partante pour les rejoindre cet été et passer du temps avec eux dans le plus cute des chalet non loin de Preston Hollow ( New York State) il ne m’a pas fallu plus de 5 sec pour lui répondre ” I’m in!”

Nous avons passé la semaine à manger, rire, cuisiner et faire des photos of course! Il y’ a pire comme programme:))

Ça fait tellement chaud au coeur d’être à nouveau réunis. Nous avons passé une “amaziiiing” semaine et j’avais vraiment envie de partager ça avec vous :)

Malheureusement toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin et je prends la route d’ici quelques heures pour NYC. Cela me fend le coeur d’avoir à dire au revoir et je vais essayer de ne pas fondre en larmes cette fois ci! Ceux qui me connaissent savent que cela relève de l’impossible :/

J’espère que ces quelques photos vous plairont :)

Je vous embrasse. A très vite.

Lots of Love ♥



Chasing Waterfalls in New York State.

27 juillet 2015

I’m back in the US. My first stop was New York City ( of couuuurse ). I flew then to Chicago to meet my favorite family on their big road trip across the United states.

We drove together through IllinoisIndiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania and to be honnest none of those states were exciting to me at all . The only very interesting part was to see some amish driving cute buggies with horses and to be able to see how they live !

 So no need to say I was more than  happy to find this little gem on the road while crossing New York, the last state on our road itinerary! Especially after stopping at the Niagara Falls (that I don’t like at all ) and be even more disappointed than last time I’ve seen it from the Canadian side. But well, thats another story.

Taughannock Falls is located in the town of Ulysses, in Tompkins County. And if you’re driving around it’s totally worth it to stop by! That’s probably one the most beautiful waterfall i’ve seen so far I know I know, I haven’t been to Iceland yet!

We’ve spent quite a long time there. We took few pictures and took the time to enjoy this amazing scenery. 

We’re now in the cutest little cabin not far from Catskills National Park in NY. We’re totally off the grid, I don’t even know how I’m going to post this article haha ! I’ll probably have to camp on the cabin rooftop ’til I get some signal!

 I’ll be here with Stasha, Julian, Bruce and Max for the rest of the week and will be back in NYC for few days before flying back home.


Comme vous avez du le remarquer sur instagram, je suis de retour aux Etats-Unis. Mon premier stop fut New York City of course! J’ai par la suite pris un vol interne direction Chicago pour rejoindre ma famille préférée  lors de leur big road trip à travers le pays.

Nous avons traversé ensemble l’ Illinois, Indiana, Ohio et la Pennsylvanie mais  pour être tout à fait honnête, aucun de ces states n’a vraiment été super intéressants à mes yeux ( ceux qui me suivent sur Snapchat ( lily_roz ) ont surement du remarquer le peu de snaps ahaha)! Une des seules choses hyper intéressantes au court de ce road trip a été de voir des amish se déplacer dans leur cute petites calèches! J’ai vraiment eu l’impression de me retrouver dans un de ces téléfilms que l’on peut voir sur M6!

J’ai donc été aux anges lorsque l’on est tombé sur cette petite merveille de cascade en traversant New York StateTaughannock Falls se trouve à Ulysses, dans le county de Tompkins. Si vous vous trouvez dans le coin, cela en vaut vraiment le détour! C’est probablement une des plus belles cascades que j’ai pu voir jusqu’ici!

Nous y avons passé un long moment. Nous en avons profité pour faire tout un tas de photos of course , puis nous avons profité de la beauté des lieux.

Nous sommes maintenant dans le plus cute des chalets, non loin de Catskills National Park dans le State de New York , et cela pour le reste de la semaine. On est vraiment vraiment coupés du monde ici, ce qui est vraiment agréable. Je ne sais d’ailleurs pas trop comment je vais poster cet article! Probablement en squattant le toit quelques heures tout en espérant avoir du réseau ahah!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Je vous dis à très vite!

Lots of Love ♥


Photos of me taken by Stasha B.


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