océan indien

Mauritius Island with Constance Hotels and Resorts

22 mars 2017

Last week I had the chance to fly to Mauritius with Constance Hotels and Resorts . We we’re not very lucky with the weather ( we had one sunny day out of the four we spent there) but it did not stop us to make the most out of this beautiful trip and to experience what Constance Belle Mare has to offer to the fullest! Also I think I put on at least one kg per day as the food was absolutely fantastic there ( make sure to try the sushis and the Pad Thai at the Indigo and to have diner at the Blue Penny Cellar restaurant )!

Thank you Constance for that beautiful experience we’re not ready to forget!

Sending you lots of love from rainy Strasbourg,

Sincerely yours,

Lily  ♥

( Photos of me by Marissa Cox.)

What I did on my Bday: swimming with Wild Dolphins!

29 juin 2014

Une des raisons pour laquelle nous avons choisis Zanzibar: la possibilité de nager en pleine mer avec des dauphins sauvages, autrement dit… Living the DREAM!

Je ne sais pas pourquoi je les aime tellement, ils me fascinent! J’en rêve même parfois la nuit.

Par contre je vous demande d’être indulgent concernant la façon dont c’est filmé hein?! C’est mon tout tout tout premier usage de la GOPRO! Ou comment j’avais trop la pression!

One of the many reasons we chooses Zanzibar for our Bday celebrations: being able to swim with wild Dolphins in the Indian Ocean, in other words… Living the DREAM.

I’m kinda obsessed with dolphins lol, I just don’t know why they fascinate me ! I even dream of them sometimes shah

Don’t be too hard on me cause of the way the video has been record hun?! It was my first attempt with the GOPRO. I was so stressed to ruined it!

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