Posts from novembre 2015

The Lamborghini factory.

30 novembre 2015


Was pretty awesome to discover the one and only Lamborghini factory based in Bologna and to be one of the few people allowed ( with the talented Ezgi and Fedja )  to photograph it. To see all those engineers working on those mechanical beasts with so much passion was something!

To be honest it was pretty challenging to me to take photos in here as this is not what I’m used to shoot. Hope you’re going to like those few shots I took.

A big thanx to Bologna Welcome and to Lamborghini for the tour!

Lots of love.





Dear Henriette ♥

9 novembre 2015


I’m off to Paris every month for work. I usually stay with family or friends. But this time, I wanted to experience something different, i wanted to experience Henriette! And what a great experience it was…

This hotel is just … well I’ll let you judge by yourself through the pictures. And trust me when I say that every single detail is perfect, from the bathroom’s mirror to those amaaaaaazing wallpapers! I was super busy during this parisian trip but I ended up shooting there for more than an hour! I didn’t want to leave the place.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention one super important thing!!! The breakfast buffet was nothing more than perfect ( I mean you know me well, breakfast is breakfast right?! )

Dear Henriette, could I come back and stay with you like… forever?!

Sincerely yours,

Lily ♥




yellow room










C’est l’heure de la pause avec Løvely Morning ♥

1 novembre 2015

Oooh qu’est-ce que je l’aime le petit nouveau de chez Lov Organic! Un mélange super frais qui vous donne du peps ( il contient du guarana! ) à n’importe quel moment de la journée! Et vous? Vous l’avez gouté? Vous en pensez quoi????!!!! En ce qui me concerne c’est sans hésitation mon nouveau chouchou après le rooibos amande bien sur!! Autant dire que quand Lov Organic m’a proposé d’en être l’ambassadrice sur les réseaux sociaux j’ai sauté de joie :)

Et parce que la pause « tea time » c’est sacrée, je vous invite à vous rendre sur  Lov Organic vous attends pour vous faire vivre une experience inédite pleine de fun et de surprises!

J’espère que la petite série de photo crée ici pour l’occasion vous plaira ♥

Je vous souhaite un fabuleux dimanche et vous dis à très vite!


I totally felt in lOve with the brand new Lov Organic herbal tea flavor! My lovely Morning is a really fresh blend which would give you energy as it contains guarana and I do need energy . Have you tested it? What do you think? That’s definitely my new favorite after Almond Rooibos of course !

To celebrate the Lovely Morning launch, Lov Organic is waiting for you on with a great experience full of fun and surprises! So make sure to stop by :)

I’ m very excited to be one of the « Lovely Morning » Ambassador on social medias and I hope you gonna like this little serie of images I create for the occasion.

Have a rainbow sunday guys :)

Lots of Love ♥


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